Need a content marketer to establish your online presence and generate demand?

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I'm Ahmed Yasser


I am a specialized B2B tech marketer with a background in industrial engineering. Since 2019, I have been dedicated to creating high-quality content that establishes trust and generates demand. My journey began at a content marketing agency where I discovered my passion for content writing. With a deep understanding of SEO, I create content that is both search engine-friendly and user-centric. I have collaborated with numerous businesses across various industries, eventually focusing on small to medium-sized B2B tech companies. When I’m not writing, you can find me traveling, brewing espresso, gaming on Xbox, or keeping up with the latest tech trends.

Check out my portfolio

Build Trust with Your Customers

Establishing yourself as an authority in your industry transforms prospects into loyal customers. Let’s create content that positions you as a leader and drives demand.


Research-driven content

Do you want to frusturate your customers? Give them 5,000-word essays filled with jargon and fluff that barely help them in any possible way.

I use data to identify your customers' pain points and create concise, valuable content that directly addresses their needs.

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Backed by SEO

Tired of going unnoticed online? Well, let me tell you a secret: there's no point in publishing great content if your customers can't find it. If you're having a hard time getting your message out there, there's a good chance that your content doesn't answer what your audience is looking for.

Great content needs to be found. My SEO expertise ensures your content meets your audience's expectations and priorities, helping you capture more leads and optimize your conversion rate.

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Achieve your marketing objective

Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness, get more leads, or boost conversions, I craft content for every stage of your buyer's journey.

Let's Get Started

Smash your competitors with exceptional content

Ready to take your business to the top results on Google? Get a FREE* sample now!

*Applicable for new clients only.